Purchase GetAGrip

Bio-mechanically superior tool enables easy, strain-free and pain relieving grip of objects such as forks, spoons, toothbrush, pen, pencil, paintbrush, crochet hooks, and more. Purchase just one single GETAGRIP or a set (of two or four) to leave GETAGRIP attached to multiple everyday objects, so they are always READY for use.

one single GETAGRIP



GETAGRIP - Set of 2

GETAGRIP – Set of 2


GETAGRIP - Set of 4

GETAGRIP – Set of 4



Did you know that a large percentage of people struggling with holding everyday objects often suffer from anxiety or depression? Can you imagine the frustration and sadness that comes with experiencing the loss of control of your fingers to grip?

You have the power to change that.

Hold a Fork

Hold a Spoon

Hold a Toothbrush

Hold Nail Clippers

Hold Tweezers

Hold a Nail File

Hold a Pen or Pencil

Hold a Paintbrush

Hold an Xacto Knife

Hold a Crochet Hook

Basically insert anything…

getagrip logo scaled

Supports Natural Grip
Enhances Self Sufficiency
Boosts Self Esteem
Light as a feather!